Tybee Island

We just got back from a lovely week on Tybee Island, visiting our son-in-law's mother and helping her pack to move to TN. The weather was warm and lovely , the company was great, the food was delicious and we had a wonderful time. We went to the St. Patrick's Day parade in Savannah - our first time andpaybe the last but I would like to go again if I can. We went to Savannah College of Art and Design to see their current exhibit which is most interesting , and we took walks on the beach. We ate at some great places and slept with the sea breezes wafting in the windows. We also helped to clean up a plumbing problem, as well as packed some boxes and pulled a trailer down and back. It was the least we could do, under the circumstances. I took some pictures which my computer doesn't want to accept and did a very little painting. As a watercolorist I am a fair acrylics painter. Looking out the bedroom window in the morning and out the living room and eaten area windows at a...