The next step

As you know, the kitchen is nearly finished but there is still work to be done and we are the ones who are to do it. Here is the area that will hold canned goods in the new pantry.
I will prime and paint this (tomorrow, I hope) and DH will install repositionable shelves. He has ordered the shelf clips and cut the boards but has yet to attach a lip to the front of them and they will also need painting. If the weather continues so cold I might just use them as they are until it is warm enough to go outside and paint. 

Here is the canned food now. I never knew we had so much until it was out in the open and in the way!

DH and I mocked up a shelf to see how much would fit so we could estimate how many shelves we would need. We think that we need about twelve. 

This is one of the boards, cut and ready to have the lip glued and tacked on. It might not look exciting to everyone, but you know that it is to me. 

Another mock up with vegetable cans. They extend to the large green bean can. I think that on a real shelf even more can be fitted in. 

And here is the laundry area with its new shelf. Same painting plan as the pantry shelves, but I am really getting some use out of the new shelves and haven't missed the ironing board! Ha! When it gets warm enough to go to the studio I will bring in the mini board. 

Gotta leave for class (Episcopal 101)

All is well


Vicki Styons said…
Won't it be great when you finally get shelves? Oh, I thought the top shelve of the shelves in the laundry room were supposed to be vacant to use as an ironing board? On another note, my dining table was supposed to be left uncluttered to use as a dining table but so far that plan hasn't worked out!
Caroline said…
That is just folded things that were put away that night. The board stays pretty clear.

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