It's Okay If You Laugh

The last few days have been busy. First, I began cleaning off the front porch. The painters had just stacked everything back at one end and I hadn't gotten the energy to tackle it until Friday. Here it is, nearly finished. I have to take the vacuum cleaner to the cushions and then, in the spring, wash them.

 I still had a bag of trash to carry off. Why didn't I wait to take the photo until after I had done that? 

 The pumpkins are oak, carved with a chain saw. I had a third one but it disappeared off the porch the first year we were here. You will notice the brick entry pillars and the benches provided for your repose as you wait for an audience. One of these days I will get the potting soil into the pots, the steps will be leveled, the sides rebuilt and then you will have to walk straight on up-- no entry, no benches. Oh, well, I guess that will work. 
Saturday we went to Cashiers, meeting Sara and Greg there, and hauled stuff out of the very full, three-bay garage . S & G filled a 24' truck and a trailer with Ecco Block which they will use to build on their hunting land. The truck was full; the trailer had enough room for them to take back a table and chairs that they were storing there. 

This is the garage after all truck and trailers were loaded. And here is what we hauled. 

We hauled stuff that Dean had collected over the years, some of which has uses he hasn't explained to me. Anyone want a boat? Dress-ups? Generator? We brought a couple of tanks which will be part of his bio-deisel making enterprise. To that end he is selling his gasoline car and will be driving the truck and the old diesel-powered Mercedes. We still have to bring back numerous 55 gallon drums of used cooking oil that are the bio part of the deal.

We have to make a few more trips to get the remainder of the stuff, clean up and stage the apartment. Then it goes on the market. I hope that there is a buyer who will want it. Soon. I just don't want to keep messing with it. 

And now for the last giggle. I don't know if you can tell, and when I tried another angle she moved, but Bella has her leg across Dean's neck, holding him still while she washes his head. I guess it is her motherly instinct. 

All is well and all is well, 


Vicki Styons said…
As I looked at the truck and trailer, I'm pretty sure I heard the music to Sanford and Son or perhaps that was just the ringing I always have in my ears. The good news is that I did not hear it when I saw your nicely arranged porch!
Chrissy said…
The house is fabulous. You are so energetic and have achieved so much, in spite of drawbacks. Really beautiful.

I laughed about Bella. Don't know if I could lie still like Dean though.

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