Anne Bagby class

I should have taken more photos but I was busy the whole time working. We were doing what Anne calls "precision collage" which resembles appliqué . Anne had simplified drawings of ERI, Henry VIII, and face cards of all the suites. We chose one and traced it numerous times. (She made me start over because my tracing was too sketchy - I have a hard time going to the edge and closing my lines to make shapes.) From our tracings we cut pieces that we glued to the master traced copy. Sounds easy and I guess that it was, but not in every way. So here is mine. When I flipped it over we decided that the back was interesting so I have photographed it also. This is the back. If I add a little color to the face and hands it might be really good. The front. As you can see, the long chains she wears need color (gold) and she needs a face as well as some powder. I don't think that Elizabeth was much for sun, but she looks like she just came home from two weeks at the beach!....