Cooler days ahead

I can't really show you today's biggest thing - the A/C is being installed. They won't finish tonight but our bedroom has cool air! Pat, the A/C man, hopes to have it all finished by tomorrow evening. I can't even find words to tell you how happy that makes me feel. A good night's sleep!!! I can't really show you the next "big" thing either. Thursday morning I got up to answer a early phone call (from Pat, see above) and either tripped over Jackson or stepped over him before I had my other foot firmly on the floor. I doesn't matter which it was because I sat down, quickly and quite firmly on the floor. No lasting injury but a colorful behind , a tender bump on the head, and a shoulder that I can feel. All on the right side. As for the third thing, I can't show that either. I stuck my head in the car that Alex (son-in-law) was driving to give something to Dean, who was in the front seat. Alex, thinking I was in, took his foot off the brake ...