Hello again

It has been a long week. All the noise, dust and commotion finally got to me and I just did what we southern women have done since the olden days. I "took to my bed". Well, I just couldn't get anything done without exhaustion setting in and I took lots and LOTS of naps. Today was a beautiful day, though and I was able to stay upright for more (but not all ) of it. Since I haven't done much this will be a short post. 

See the black mortar on those bricks? That black, turned into dust, still coats places in my house that surprise me when I find them. Enough of those kind of surprises!! Today the brick guys cleaned these to reuse them. 
Here is Dustin finishing the first layer of the new roof. We have chosen shingles that have dark and light grey and a little red. Dustin found an original shingle today and it was red. 

A walk climb around the yard, over piles of dirt and equipment, proved that spring is surely on the way. This little rosebush has new leaves. Some of the trees are showing their red leaves also. 

These little tulips probably won't bloom but they might. I don't know where they came from and they haven't come up in this place before, to my memory. 

This was Thursday when it was cold but sunny after more rain. Today was sunny but warm and delightful. I went for a walk and it seemed the whole neighborhood was out celebrating the beautiful day. 

My neighbors' quince has hit full bloom. I also saw my first Forsythia blooming today, so the one behind this quince should be out soon. 

The daffodils are so good about doing their part to brighten up the days. 

My plan for tomorrow is to dead head this and two other hydrangeas and start planning a little shade garden for this area. That is a redbud tree and I have limbed it up a little so that we could get past it with the lawn mower. I want to put a little fence around the A/C and add some shade plants - maybe astilbe and some others. 

I hope that you are seeing welcome signs of spring at your house. There is a lovely magnolia down the street that I will try to photograph when I go out. 

Meanwhile, all is well. 


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