Intentions - and Hostas

Dean's brother, Alan, and s-i-l, Alyce were here for a very short visit. It was wonderful to see them. I meant to take a picture of their sleek green motor home but the time got away. It is just like a playhouse for adults on the inside; everything is there, but all in miniature. Of course it was immaculate, everything in its place. They have lots of Hostas in Omaha, Nebraska where they live (about 600 - Alyce is the Hosta Queen!) and having divided them this fall, they brought us bags of them to plant under our huge hackberry tree. They not only brought them, they planted them!! Fifty-three of them. I picked up a few stray leaves and planted about three of them. I did sift roots out of the soil when Alan dug the holes and do little bits, but A and A were amazing. So generous with their plants and their time and effort. The Alyce Mae Jensen Berk Hosta garden should be wonderful next year and even better the next year when the plants have established and started spreading again.  I plan to add some impatiens next spring when they have leaves but haven't spread to their full size. It will be beautiful.  

Now that the Hosta garden is planted, we will really have to get on with our planned work out there, THE FENCE for example and the new plans we have made. When I get the  plans drawn I will try to share them with you. There will be paving and planting areas and seating areas and...  I am dreaming big!

I have been trying to draw myself from photos I have taken. Real likenesses are hard for me to draw. I can make something look like a person, but not necessarily a specific person. I am not sure if drawing yourself is more difficult or easier. Anyway, here is my effort. There will be more. Until I get it right. 

I have just finished reading the second Tana French novel. Ms. French lives in Ireland and sets her stories there. In the two I have read, the protagonist is male and in some branch of police work. Both novels deal with going back into the hero's past life and is as much or more character study as it is mystery. Character-driven stories are thought-provoking and involving; I plan to read at least one more work of hers. Her second offering, which wasn't available last week, is The Likeness. I have it on my list for next week. Now I will begin with The Fall of Giants on CDs. Previously I have only listened to books in the car, so I am not sure how this will work. Perhaps I can find some handwork to do while I listen.  If not, I will have to check out the book which is long and heavy. I don't know if my wrists are up to it yet :-). 

Pictures next time. And next weekend is the wedding which is certain to be a good time for all of us. Meanwhile, take care of yourselves, and let me hear from you. I send you my best wishes for a wonderful day. 



Vicki Styons said…
I very much enjoyed my visit with Alyce and Alan and how wonderful that they brought and PLANTED the hosta.

I didn't notice previously that you drew your glasses on top of your head: I liked that! The drawings are improving every time. I always find that I can see what I SHOULD have done once I upload a pic! There is something about the screen that gives everything a different perspective. Paintings and watercolors sometimes look better than in person. I think the change is interesting.
Unknown said…
I love the "Girl on the Moor" painting. You are so talented.
Chrissy said…
It's good to read about your home making and art work (very nice portrait!). Also the reading - most important. We've been away and it's a pleasure to catch up with all you do.

My son just announced his engagement so I'm sharing a bit of the wedding excitement with you.

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