Night time

One night at the end of last week both Dean and I were awakened by a clap of thunder. No, not thunder - THUNDER. A barrage of thunderclaps - majestic, booming, rolling, rumbling, percussive, accompanied by flashes of lightening. A fireworks show in the middle of the night. I lay there and listened in awe then drifted back into sleep. I like the night. I like to go walking at night, although I don't wait until the middle of the night but am usually home by 9:30 or so and I only walk around our neighborhood where all is familiar to me. Being outside at night is different from being there during the day. Don't get me wrong, I like to be outside in the sun also, but the night has a different tempo which seems to suit my own slow tempo and heartbeat. It feels to me alone but not lonely. People are all around, they are just in their houses, doing dishes, watching TV, getting kids ready for bed, finishing up the chores that never end, doing quiet things, slower things, homey things...