Jury - Art and Court

Last Friday I reported to the courthouse to find out about my impending jury service - four months but only about 12 days and I will probably only have to actually go in on one or two days. Interesting. Since it is summer term and they realize that people have vacation plans, I can call next week and tell them about the days we plan to be gone and I will not be called on those days. I can live with it. As to another jury, I sent four things to be juried for the MMIA shows. All our paintings have to pass jury, a jury of our peers, who examine the painting and tell us where it lacks (or doesn't) then we rework (or not) and submit it again and if it passes we can enter it in our next show. My style varies considerably but this time I submitted four pieces. Two were passed and two were not. One that did not pass is the banner on this blog. The lines were not straight and there were a few other things. I am in the process of making changes. Lots of measuring and taping to ge...