Soup's on.

I would tell you how cold it is here but I know that it is cold there, too, and you don't really have any sympathy - you are too busy trying to keep warm yourself. I went out today to the studio to take something and get some canvases. The sun was so nice, but the studio wasn't a place to linger. DH has ordered and we have received a heater for the studio but it isn't installed yet and may have to wait until the guys are here for Thanksgiving since DH can't really lift over his head and the heater is a ceiling mount. We will put plastic over the leaky windows and I will be cozy as can be. Until then, I have dragged the paints and some canvases into the house and I will work in the pantry. SO Last week, when making tomato basil soup, I had a little incident with the Ninja (blender) I also found tomato on the exhaust fan over the stove which required taking it apart, the floor, myself, and there is a small spot on the ceiling that looks suspiciously red. Th...