I'm Back!

For better or worse, I'm back. Someone asked this week what was with the blog and I have to say that I don't quite know. Suddenly I wasn't drawing or blogging either one. I was reading, so maybe I can blame it on Louise Penny, whose ten books I read in about a week. I also went to Tullahoma and to the doctor with Dean and I have done some work on the house, changing things around once more and...the time just flew. What has been done, though, is this. I moved dishes and other stuff around in the kitchen. It seems to take living with things for a while before their best places can be found. When we had the family over for DH's birthday I discovered that earlier in the summer I had put too many glasses up way too high to be used so that cabinet was rearranged. The upper and lower cabinets on the other side were also rearrange slightly so that now the pantry is a little easier to work in. I also took another shot at gettin...